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“Turnkey” Operational Excellence System

OpEx Dashboard

The OpEx Dashboard is linked to your project database and automatically updates when any project data is entered or updated.

The Dashboard aggregates all project data and reports on key program metrics such as:

  • Net Savings
  • Net Revenue
  • ROI
  • NPV

The Dashboard also reports on project count metrics by every dimension of your program:

  • by status, organization, strategy, project type
  • by project leader, sponsor, business unit, MBB
  • Add the dimension of all metrics by active and complete projects

Modification and customization is easy if your needs or preferences differ from the default set up.

Project Management

Project and program management is achieved with the use of project charters which all Operational Excellence deployments should use. Project charters are entered by project leaders and each submission enters the project database. Sortable table views for all projects can be modified to add or remove information.

Workflow Management

The workflow management capability is extensive and can included approval flows, notifications, branching and conditional actions based on project information. The default set up is designed for projects to require approvals from OpEx leaders, business leaders and finance. Any changes to project status requires the approval of the project coach/mentor.

Document Management

The document management system allows each user to create their own private folders and share documents via the “System Wide Shared Folder”. Any file or folder contained within the “System Wide Shared Folder” will be accessible to all users. We can also create groups with specific users who wish to share files only with users of that group.

The “Administration Folder” is only visible and accessible to users with that level of access. This is also where we keep your licensed training content updated and always available to you.